How I Got Started With Intarsia

I had a viewer named RVTraveler ask me for a video talking about how I got into intarsia and the challenges that I faced at first. So in this video I tell my story of how I discovered intarsia in 2010. Then I got a little carried away and started talking about the challenges that I face now while making intarsia. 🙂

My Eclipse Experience, August 21, 2017

Hey all Cy here,

So the eclipse was happening right over my town, Newport, Oregon. My son in law, Matt, set up a bunch of cameras to document the eclipse. So my step daughter (Kandi), granddaughter (Ella), puppies (Wally and Gibbs), and I got ready to watch the show! And a bunch of people were outside all over the place and you can hear them watching in the video.

Matt started all of his cameras at 9:04 am when the moon began to cross over the sun. At 10:16 am the moon completely covered the sun, which is called totality, for 1 minute and 46 seconds.

Matt also had an app going that was announcing key points during the eclipse, including a count down to totality and a reminder to put the glasses back on when the darkest moments were over. During totality we felt the temperature drop, our deck lights and street lights came on, there was a bunch of cheering from the neighbors and oohs and aahhhs from us. Gibbs got chilly and Wally got scared. When the moon started exposing the sun again it got light really fast. But it would take another 78 minutes or so for the moon to completely move out of the circle of the sun. We were amazed at how much of the sun could be blocked and it not be noticeable. It wasn’t until the sun was almost all the way blocked that we could tell what was happening (without looking anyway). Also during totality, for 1 minute and 46 seconds, we were able to take off the glasses and look at the completely blocked sun. At this point, with the glasses on, you could see nothing. But with our own eyes we could see the shimmering ring around the moon which is called the corona of the sun. And it was pretty awesome! It was also fun to hear Ella’s reaction. I am sure she will remember it forever!

My cell phone camera couldn’t capture the way the corona really looked, but hopefully Matt’s camera did! The darkest part of the eclipse was over, but the cameras kept running, we kept watching, and at 11:36 am the moon was completely clear of the sun. How exciting this was!  

Husband was at work and he was able to go outside with everyone and watch the totality moment of the eclipse. I called him a while later and we both shared our experience real quick.

Once Matt has his video put together I will share that link!

I hope everyone got to see the eclipse that wanted to see it!!!


2016 goin’ on 17

A quick review of 2016!!! Lots happened this year, and lots of stuff already starting to happen for 2017, like a new shop!!! Thanks everyone for watching and riding along as we moved from Louisiana back to Oregon, remodeled our house, got the shed turned into my new little corner, and said goodbye to our Johnny dog. God bless everyone in 2017!!!



Here’s the future shop!

I stopped by the house we are buying to show everyone the shed that is going to be my future shop!!! I can see a sliver of the ocean from the yard. In the video I pop over to the actual beach and show you where the house is from there. Then back to the shed to take a walk inside. I am so excited to get started making some stuff!!! Less than 2 weeks and I can!!!  Whoooo Hooooo!!!!

Shop Update, we made it to Oregon!

We moved!!! We took 6 days to drive from Louisiana to the Coast of Oregon! We are living in a hotel for awhile until we can move into our little house. I am planning on setting up my corner in an 8×8 shed…. That’s a whopping 64 square feet…can I do it??? We shall see 🙂

Here is my new post office box:

P.O. Box 2173, Newport, Oregon 97365

If you want to sticker swap, just send me a sticker and I will send you one back!

Stickers and Guess What !?!


I got some more stickers to add to the sticker map!!! I am also announcing that we are moving back to Oregon. We have been in Louisiana for 3 years and are heading back to the North West soon! I have had a great time while in Louisiana and have even enjoyed the hot and humid days (probably because I can cool down in the air conditioning). I have one more project video to come out and the next time I make a project it will be in Oregon! I have a few short videos of some Louisiana adventures I experienced so I will post those while I am transitioning from Louisiana to Oregon!


Merry Christmas!

I was getting a bit edgy with travel plans and gift ideas.  Finding that I was slumping into stress mode, I had to remind myself what this Christmas celebration is really about.  So I re-focused on the real reason for Christmas, and the promise that comes with the Little Baby’s birth.  Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas!

“Scriptures quoted from The Holy Bible, New Century Version, copyright 2005 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission.”