Laundry Deck to Laundry Room

We bought this house in 2016 and most of the work we did on it at that time I made videos about. I will leave a link to the playlist down below if you want to see what we did 🙂

So just recently we decided to upgrade the laundry deck and make it part of the house. We insulated and closed in the walls, removed the sliding door, insulated the floor and installed good flooring, added some lights, and rearranged the appliances. It looks and feels so much better in there now!

We also upgraded the bathroom and replaced the flooring in the kitchen. We put the house on the market and it sold right away!

Playlist for Oregon Coast House Project:

Oregon House Finale, Hurray!!! Oregon House Ep. 11

Husband painted the house, I painted the trim, then Husband and Karl put on a new roof. We are calling the house complete for now!!! Hurray!!! In the video I show before and after pictures of the house project. Even though we had a great time fixing up the house,  we are happy to be living in it instead of working on it! Now I can get going on some shop projects!!! Hurray!!!!

Kitchen Backsplash, Oregon House Ep. 10

Hey!!! So I tried my hand at setting tiles for the backsplash!!! We had a tough time picking out the tiles, but when I saw these I just knew they fit us. Husband really likes them too. I was very excited to do this backsplash so I read about different types of adhesives, thinset, grout, and tile nippers. Then I jumped right in! The tiles were really long so Husband cut them into workable pieces and let me go at it. I really enjoyed it and look forward to working with tiles, mud, and grout again. I have been reading about mosaics and hope to make some of those out of the left over tile pieces, or maybe with some rocks or something!!!  Next is painting the outside of the house and the roof, then the big jobs are all done!!!

Kitchen Countertops and Sink, Oregon House, Ep. 9

The counter top guys installed our granite counter tops. Johnny was very protective of me and had to stay in the bedroom while they were working. Then the plumber came and installed the sink, disposal, and dishwasher. Check out the YouTube video description box for links to the granite place and the plumber’s person blog!!!

The kitchen is coming together, woooo hooooo!!!! Next is to tackle the backsplash, sounds fun to me!!!


Microwave and Hardware, Oregon House Ep. 8

We had a challenging time putting in the microwave but finally got it. Next was the kitchen cabinet and drawer pulls. I watched a video by Tableft workshop who watched a video by Jimmy DiResta on centering drawer pulls, I will leave links to both in the description box on the YouTube video.

The kitchen is turning out better than I expected!!! Yay!!!