What Should I Do With An Old Axe Head?

While out walking with Wally and Gibbs one day I found an old rusty axe head. It was lodged between two trees when it caught my eye. I knew I wanted to clean it up but wasn’t’ sure what else to do with it. Then I watched a video of Uri and saw his amazing metal engraving skills. It inspired me to try to engrave the axe head! So in this video I clean it up, try some engraving, make a small handle, and then decorate it with some wood burning. I really enjoyed trying engraving for the first time!

Here is a link to Uri’s channel so you can check out his metal engraving work! Uri Tuchman

Matthew 3:10  (NCV)
The ax is now ready to cut down the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.

OPP May 2019

On this months episode of OPP, Other People’s Projects, we are taking a look at items made by:

Dennis DuPerron: May the 4th, Star Wars Day Project. It is made from a 6″ dia walnut blank which has a dome to it so it makes it look all most Three-D. Video link: Star Wars Ti Fighter

Ron Ostromecki: Intarsia Raccoon and Crosses (Judy Gale Roberts and Steve Good patterns)

Claudio Nestor Rodriguez: Intarsia de santa TERESA DE AVILA and painting

Teresa G.: cross stitch and door wreath

Thanks to everyone who sent in a project to share!

If you have a project you would like me to share please send me a photo with OPP in the subject line and tell me a little about the project!

I love to see what everyone is making!!!

Mother’s Day Gift

It’s Mother’s Day and I wanted to make something for my mom. Since I recently made a cowboy dad and son silhouette I thought it would be fun to do something with a mother and daughter silhouette. So I put together this gift for my mom. Happy Mother’s Day Mom!!!

Ezekiel 16:44 (NCV)

“‘Everyone who uses wise sayings will say this about you: “The daughter is like her mother.”

I wanted to let you know I’ve put links to some of the things I used in this video right here for you. Some are affiliate links and some are not. So if you’re curious about something I used click away. Or send me an email if you have questions about something!

Silhouette Cameo vinyl cutter

Hegner Multimax 22-V Variable Speed Scroll Saw

Blue tape

Arteza Self Adhesive Vinyl 12X12″ – Assorted Colors (42 Sheets)

Arteza-Detail Paint Brush (Set of 15)

Wood burner

Acrylic Paint Set

Rustoleum 2x Black primer

Krylon Satin clear coat

New Century Version Bible

Picture hanger small

3/32 drill bit

Woodpile Fun! 8mm mini screws at Hobby Lobby

Sawtooth Hangers Large with screws

Sawtooth Hangers Small with Screws

Cowboy and Son Silhouettes

*See note below

I had a suggestion to make a certain project for a Pinterest challenge, so I am trying that!!! The suggestion was to use a cowboy and son silhouette and make something.

*Wally was very ball crazy during the making of this video so I counted the times he brought me the ball to throw for him. You may want to skip the video from minute 2:00 to 2:39 while I am scrolling and throwing the ball. 🙂

1 Peter 5:3  (NCV) Do not be like a ruler over people you are responsible for, but be good examples to them.